Comprehensive Data & Quality Assurance Services

Save Time. Minimise Waste. Conserve Resources

Our Services

End-to-End RFP Support

Assisting at all stages of the process

Business Challenge

As an organisation, you face a delicate balance between achieving strategic goals and managing day-to-day operations with tight deadlines. Selecting the right supplier to deliver consistent quality can divert valuable time and resources away from core activities. If your organisation lacks the time, resources, or skills to manage the RFP process, Medius Digital is here to help. Contact our team, and we'll assist you in optimising the selection process.

Our Approach & Outcome

At Medius Digital, our team has extensive knowledge of the RFP lifecycle, and we manage every aspect of the process for you. From eliciting requirements and preparing the RFP to evaluating responses and reviewing estimation models, we handle it all. Our goal is to help you select the best delivery partner for your organization, so you can focus on your core activities. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your RFP process.

Business Challenge

Monitoring and assessing the quality of supplier deliverables is a crucial but time-consuming task. Ideally, you need dedicated resources to systematically review output and ensure adherence to your standards and alignment with requirements. However, you may be constrained by other commitments or lack the in-house expertise to perform these tasks. This can lead to poor delivery outcomes, avoidable conflicts, and costly delays.

Our Approach & Outcome

At Medius Digital, we specialise in streamlining your supplier management process by serving as a trusted partner. Our approach involves acting as an intermediary between you and your suppliers, thoroughly reviewing deliverables against standards and requirements. This ensures that your suppliers are delivering consistent, high-quality output and adhering to compliance regulations. By taking on the burden of monitoring and assessing supplier performance, we allow you to focus on running your organisation, while we work to improve your supplier management processes and achieve better outcomes. Trust us to be your reliable partner in supplier management.

Thorough Review & Quality Assurance of Deliverables

Let us systematically monitor and evaluate the quality of your supplier deliverables

Prototyping Made Simple

Bring your third-party software solutions to life

Business Challenge

Developing custom in-house and 3rd party applications that serve a specific purpose is a crucial but complex task. Additionally, proof of concept is essential for fine-tuning and identifying potential risks and issues. However, you may be constrained by other commitments or lack the in-house expertise to perform these tasks effectively.

Our Approach & Outcome

At Medius Digital, we specialise in simplifying the prototyping process for custom in-house and 3rd party applications. Our approach is based on an agile and lean methodology that prioritises delivering excellence. We understand that as your business evolves, your needs may change, so we work closely with you to adjust and pivot in the direction that best suits your organisation. Our wealth of systems integration experience allows us to bring your ideas to life, and our goal is to develop solutions that meet your specific needs and requirements. Trust us to support you in creating the perfect custom application for your organisation.

Business Challenge

Implementing a coherent data strategy that optimises your data assets and avoids costly instances of silos, poor data quality, and noncompliance requires a robust and scalable data architecture at its core. Experiencing issues related to inadequate data architecture can negatively impact the delivery of both your operational and strategic goals.

Our Approach & Outcome

At Medius Digital, we understand the critical importance of a robust and scalable data architecture in optimising your data assets and ensuring compliance with industry standards such as HL7 and FHIR. Our approach is holistic, starting with a deep understanding of your business and a detailed data flow analysis. This leads to the development of a custom, healthcare-centric data architecture that is aligned with your strategic roadmap. Our optimally configured data pipelines work together to deliver a single source of truth, enabling your leaders to make better predictions and capitalise on your data assets. Trust us to empower your organisation with a modern data architecture solution that delivers real results.

Optimise Your Data Assets

Work with experts with deep understanding of healthcare data.

Streamline Your Next Data Migration

Seamless data migration solutions that enable effective communication between systems

Business Challenge

Data migration is a vital part of digital transformation in healthcare, but it can prove difficult due to the complexity of the systems and data. To ensure a successful migration, careful planning, execution, and expertise in the field are necessary. Without the right skills and experience, delays and errors are common, and these can have a significant impact on timelines and costs

Our Approach & Outcome

At Medius Digital, we specialise in streamlining data migration and interoperability within your healthcare organisation. Our approach is systematic and comprehensive, including extracting, transforming, validating, and loading data to ensure seamless data transfer. With our deep understanding of legacy data and real-world experience working with healthcare data models, complex datasets and industry standards such as HL7, FHIR, GDPR, and HIPAA, we have the knowledge and expertise to tackle any data migration challenges. Our team of experts will devise a customised migration and cutover strategy, comprehensive data profiling, and mapping to ensure a smooth implementation and empower your entire organisation with a modern data architecture solution.

Business Challenge

Many organisations begin digital transformation projects without fully understanding the quality and usefulness of their data, leading to sub-optimal delivery, rework, and delays, causing projects to run over time and budget.

Our Approach & Outcome

At Medius Digital, we understand the importance of a thorough assessment of your data. Our team of consultants have extensive experience analysing clinical and ERP data in detail. We understand the importance of assessing data from all perspectives: technical, user, business, and regulatory. We have developed the tools and techniques to ensure a comprehensive assessment and remedy roadmap to ensure your data remains optimal and valuable throughout its lifecycle. Trust us to uncover and rectify data issues before they proliferate, and ensure your data is fit for purpose for downstream systems.

Detailed Assessment of Your Data

Uncover and rectify data issues before they proliferate